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Why will many companies not have a chance to lower the electricity price? The reason may be the notice period of the applicable contract.

This situation applies in particular to companies that have never changed their energy supplier and as a result have not changed the energy purchase agreement for many years (data of the Energy Regulatory Office indicate that from 2007 to 10.2021 only 0.2 million customers from tariff groups A , B and C changed the seller - approx. 8% of Polish enterprises). It should be borne in mind that provisions on several-month notice periods with effect at the end of the year may also be found in newly signed contracts, concluded e.g. when changing the supplier.

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In search of cheap electricity – green strategies of Polish entrepreneurs

In recent years, Polish branches of international concerns, promoting ecological logistic choices in their strategies, have been interested in purchasing "green" energy on the domestic market. Energy sellers sealed the energy supplied to corporations with green certificates, which satisfied buyers and did not generate additional costs for the sellers (after all, they bought some energy from RES anyway). Companies that needed more reliable than the aforementioned certificates, documents proving the production of energy from renewable energy sources, received guarantees of origin registered on the exchange.

Currently, the financial pressure resulting from the growing costs of purchasing electricity has increased the interest of a new group of entrepreneurs in green energy - these are companies with Polish roots. Their owners are frantically analyzing the possibilities of buying energy several years ahead by concluding PPA contracts (e.g. long-term purchase of energy from photovoltaic farms) or by investing in their own energy generation sources.

When concluding a PPA contract, it is worth taking a careful look at all contractual conditions, including in particular the price at which the remaining energy will be purchased from the entity responsible for balancing. It may turn out that the profit from the cheaper purchase of energy from the RES farm will be offset by the extremely high balancing costs.

When looking for cheaper electricity, it is worth considering investing in your own energy generation source, as long as you have adequate resources. With the current energy prices (the price of the band product for 2023 exceeds PLN 600 / MWh), investments pay off even after 3 years. We encourage entrepreneurs to carefully verify the various investment implementation models offered on the market - for example leasing a photovoltaic installation or building a PV farm away from the place of energy reception.

In the last year, the purchase of green energy, in addition to its positive impact on the environment, ceased to be a luxury or a PR activity of the company, and has become a reasonable investment of capital and a leverage for many Polish businesses.

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Merry Christmas and happy New Year! Thank you for building Enfree with us!

We thank you for your trust and cooperation in the past year, and in the New Year we wish you happiness, health and success.

Christmas greetings,
Arkadiusz Somnicki and Adam Wlizło

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The President of the Energy Regulatory Office approved energy prices for 2022. Your home electricity bill will increase by 24%.

We have been waiting for a long time for Friday, December 17, 2021, in which we expected the decisions of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office approving tariffs for the four largest energy sellers (PGE, Tauron, Energa, Enea) and tariffs of distribution companies. Knowing at what prices entrepreneurs contracted energy for 2022 in recent months (price increase two or even three times y / y), it was known that households would also suffer significant increases.

Read more: December 17. About the day when the light goes out in Poland.

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How much will we pay for gas in 2022? More than a half more than this year.

The 58% increase in the bill will affect household consumers who use gas for three purposes: gas cookers, gas water heaters and gas heating installations. It is an approximate value, calculated on the basis of the net value for the so-called a typical household. A slightly smaller increase in the bill, approx. 54%, will be recorded by customers using only gas cookers and water heaters. If we only use gas in gas cookers, the bill will increase by about 41%.

Such a large increase in gas prices is a consequence of what we have been dealing with for many months on the wholesale market (where gas sellers buy gas fuel for resale to end users). The price "Armageddon", which affected most European countries, is largely the result of the tense political and economic situation with a potential Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the Nord Stream 2 pipeline in the background. In short: Russia has limited gas supplies to Europe, increasing pressure on the European Union not to delay the decision to launch the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Reduced gas fuel supply, combined with growing demand, directly and significantly affected gas prices.

The difficult situation on the gas market also results in the largest historical increase in electricity prices. This is described in more detail in the article:
Nobody expected such a “hot” December on the European energy exchanges – electricity prices are breaking new records.

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Nobody expected such a “hot” December on the European energy exchanges – electricity prices are breaking new records.

The average daily SPOT prices in Poland broke the level of PLN 1,100 / MWh, which, compared to the average price from 2020, PLN 210 / MWh, is an extremely high level. We all pay for it - directly (as seen in energy bills) or indirectly (e.g. in prices of goods and services or taxes). So let's take a look at what the current level of energy prices is causing.

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It is worth knowing how much you will pay for participating in the CO2 emissions rally

Fast calculation. Assuming the EUR / EUR exchange rate at 4.59 PLN / EUR and the approximate influence of the CO2 price on the electricity price at 0.8, we get the approximate cost of CO2 in PLN for each MWh of energy we consume - 290 PLN / MWh.

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Pricing in the energy sector. Knowledge worth millions.

If we were to assess the condition of the Polish energy sector based on the thesis @Warren Buffett cited above, one would have the impression that the national champions are doing great. And it probably is so, since the market shares of the main (state-owned) sellers have changed slightly over the years, regardless of the pricing strategies implemented. The experience of the last 15 years in electricity trading allows us to conclude that most sellers use the practice of average (let's say - market) prices, but there are also those whose pricing policy always assumes selling at high prices. The latter can admit that the strategy of high prices (despite selling the same electricity with service quality not different from competitors) is a bull's-eye, since numerous price increases did not contribute to the decline in sales.

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December 17. About the day when the light goes out in Poland

We will probably find out what level of increases we will actually face next year on Friday 17 December - this is the last day on which the President of the Energy Regulatory Office may decide to approve the tariffs so that the new prices will apply from the first day of the new year. Considering the scale of the planned increases, the lights will go out in many Polish houses.

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