Support in current decisions regarding the purchase of energy and gas

Support in current decisions regarding the purchase of energy and gas

Purchasing energy and gas based on the stock exchange model requires constant market monitoring. Changes taking place result in increases and decreases in the prices of specific products available on thethe energy stock exchange. Companies that take a purchasing decisions based on current market data significantly increase the chance of generating savings and limit the risk of uncontrolled price increases. Especially in recent years, changes in law have often had a greater impact on energy and gas prices than market factors. Therefore, we pay special attention to observing, interpreting and quickly reacting to changes in the regulatory sphere.

  • We constantly review our purchasing tactics depending on the current market situation
  • We prepare market analyzes and reports
  • We monitor the legal and regulatory environment
  • We train on the effective purchase of energy and gas

See also other subtopics

Development of an energy and gas purchase strategy

Organization of the energy and gas purchase process