
Enfree supports the National Forests in organizing energy and gas purchase procedures


energia elektryczna


Adam Wlizło

Member of the Board

The service of developing the energy strategy of the National Forests, support in the process of conducting integrated purchases of electricity and gas fuels and providing energy consulting - these are the main tasks entrusted to Enfree as part of cooperation with the National Forests.

In August 2024, Enfree began cooperation with the National Forests (PGL LP) in the field of energy consulting. The subject of the cooperation includes conducting integrated purchases of electricity and gas fuels and developing an energy strategy that will determine the directions of optimal use of resources at the disposal of PGL LP in the pursuit of energy self-sufficiency.

The National Forests is the largest organization in the European Union managing forests belonging to the State Treasury. Employing approximately 25 thousand people, the entity manages one quarter of the area of ​​Poland. The size of the organization is also evidenced by its revenues - in 2023 they reached a level of almost PLN 14.7 billion. PGL LP consists of organizational units: General Directorate of LP, Regional Directorates of LP (17 entities), Forest Districts (429 entities) and plants with a national (7) and regional (15) scope.

The tasks carried out by Enfree on behalf of the State Forests include in particular:

  • Development of a purchasing strategy for electricity and gas fuels for PGL LP, taking into account the assumption of striving to integrate purchasing processes in order to centrally manage energy in PGL LP. The strategy includes in particular the construction of a purchasing model for electricity and gas fuels in variants based on the futures market and the SPOT market (Towarowa Giełda Energii S.A.).
  • Preparation of public procurement procedures for the supply of electricity together with the purchase of energy produced in production installations for organizational units of PGL LP.
  • Preparation of public procurement procedures for the supply and distribution of gas fuels for PGL LP organizational units.
  • Development of the PGL LP energy strategy, the adoption of which is intended to facilitate decision-making regarding PGL LP energy policy. The PGL LP energy strategy is to serve the effective management of PGL LP energy and resources using available technologies, while ensuring compliance with applicable strategic documents at the national and European level.


As part of the tenders, suppliers of electricity and natural gas for the years 2025-2026 were successfully selected. The National Forests adopted the purchasing strategy developed by Enfree based on the exchange model, which, in the event of the need to apply a tender procedure in accordance with public procurement law, was a major challenge.

As a result, for the years 2025-2026, nearly 35 GWh of electricity was ordered for over 1,500 energy collection points in 241 National Forests units from all over Poland. Energy with a volume of 881 MWh for prosumers in the net-billing system was provided for another 23 energy collection points from 17 National Forests units. For gas, the total volume of the order for 2 years is over 54 GWh for 385 gas collection points from 200 State Forests units.

More information about the proceedings can be found on the website of the National Forests: "Integrated purchases of energy and gas in the National Forests - more beneficial and cheaper"

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