
In search of cheap electricity – green strategies of Polish entrepreneurs



Adam Wlizło

Member of the Board

There are at least several reasons why companies are joining the green trend of energy transformation. For some it is a matter of co-responsibility for the climate, for others it is a profitable alternative to purchase electricity from more and more expensive conventional (coal) sources, for others it is the basis of business - they provide the energy sector with green solutions: legal, technological or even economic. It can be safely said that the prospect of market development is at least large.

In recent years, Polish branches of international concerns, promoting ecological logistic choices in their strategies, have been interested in purchasing "green" energy on the domestic market. Energy sellers sealed the energy supplied to corporations with green certificates, which satisfied buyers and did not generate additional costs for the sellers (after all, they bought some energy from RES anyway). Companies that needed more reliable than the aforementioned certificates, documents proving the production of energy from renewable energy sources, received guarantees of origin registered on the exchange.

Currently, the financial pressure resulting from the growing costs of purchasing electricity has increased the interest of a new group of entrepreneurs in green energy - these are companies with Polish roots. Their owners are frantically analyzing the possibilities of buying energy several years ahead by concluding PPA contracts (e.g. long-term purchase of energy from photovoltaic farms) or by investing in their own energy generation sources.

When concluding a PPA contract, it is worth taking a careful look at all contractual conditions, including in particular the price at which the remaining energy will be purchased from the entity responsible for balancing. It may turn out that the profit from the cheaper purchase of energy from the RES farm will be offset by the extremely high balancing costs.

When looking for cheaper electricity, it is worth considering investing in your own energy generation source, as long as you have adequate resources. With the current energy prices (the price of the band product for 2023 exceeds PLN 600 / MWh), investments pay off even after 3 years. We encourage entrepreneurs to carefully verify the various investment implementation models offered on the market - for example leasing a photovoltaic installation or building a PV farm away from the place of energy reception.

In the last year, the purchase of green energy, in addition to its positive impact on the environment, ceased to be a luxury or a PR activity of the company, and has become a reasonable investment of capital and a leverage for many Polish businesses.

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